An Existential Threat to Democracy

I saw something interesting on the news last night: Chris Hayes’s opening monologue, with an interesting headline: “Why the Trump Threat Demands More Media Attention.”

Hayes says Trump is so awful we’ve been tuning him out. Just trying to get past him. No one carries his speeches live any more. But—after the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary—here he is again. And we have numbers that suggest when people—good people of various political persuasions living on Earth 1—actually hear him, they don’t like him and won’t vote for him.

“I get it,” he says. “Although hearing about Trump nonstop for the ninth solid year is painful, excruciating even, I do hold the slightly controversial position that Donald Trump is under-covered … and that the media, all of us, should be talking about him more.”

Dear God.

Have a listen here. I found it interesting.


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